The Sleeping Beauty
“New Girl in Town”
A new narrative was developed in collaboration with soccerman100, who provided funding for the story’s creation and selected the protagonist and storyline. It was a pleasure working on this story; many thanks, buddy!
A new girl has arrived in town, but this one is different. She goes downtown and discovers a guy she seems to admire. From now on, she holds the power to decide his fate.
This is the story for you if you like mouthplay, portable devices, and undressing!
130 images giantess story
4k quality
no text
18+ erotic content: Handheld, clothes removal, mouthplay, capture
- Adult
- Erotic
- Femdom
- Giantess
- Sizefetish
- Tinyman
Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Sleeping Beauty?
The Sleeping Beauty is an adult game.