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Hands-on interaction with a VHS player creates a closeness.
The equipment, which has moving components and delicate electronics, reacts to touch and stimulation in a variety of thrilling and hazardous ways.
Sadomasochism is similar to this mix of risky and thrilling closeness.
This sculpture examines the pleasure and anguish that we might experience—and perhaps even identify with—in the rough plastic and cold steel of the recognizable but antiquated gear.

Mouse Controls:
– Left click and drag objects around the screen
– While dragging, use the scroll wheel to bring the object closer or further away from the camera
– Left click on buttons to activate them.
Gamepad Controls:
– Left Thumbstick, while NOT holding A or the Right trigger, will change highlighted object
– Right Trigger + Left Thumbstick to drag objects around the screen
– While dragging, use the Right Thumbstick to move the object closer or further from the camera
– While highlighting a button, the A Button will activate it
- Adult
- Analogue
- Queer
- Tape
- Transgender
- vhs