Indecent Wife Hana
Indecent Wife Hana is a charming yet captivating story that follows Tatsuki and Hana, as they embark on an engrossing adventure and discover a special fusion of sweetness and intensity.
A humorous graphic novel about Netorase, or “wife sharing.” While Yuma, a young man residing at their house for college, is there, Hana, a caring and understanding wife, realizes her husband’s fetish and decides to take matters into her own hands. Our protagonist, her husband, is initially nervous but eventually comes to like having his wife.
A loving and bold housewife. Wants to make her husband happy at all costs.
Gentle, shy, and inexperienced with women.
Our protagonist. A salaryman working hard to give his wife a comfortable life.
An angry neighbor. His intentions are unclear.
is the protagonist’s subordinate.
Unique storyline
Enter a compelling tale centered on our protagonist, Tatsuki, who is investigating the possibility of living with his adored wife, Hana, while a young guy studies at their house.
Engaging characters
Discover Tatsuki, Hana, and the enigmatic young man in this captivating story that will grip you from beginning to end.
Thrilling plot twists
Feel the thrill of discovering the mysteries and surprising twists that the story takes, keeping you on the edge of your seat with anticipation.
Emotional depth
Explore the darkest recesses of human emotions as you see Tatsuki, Hana, and their unusual desires as well as the complicated relationships and problems they face.
A cute yet intriguing narrative
Follow Tatsuki, Hana, and their unusual lifestyle as you embark on an exciting adventure and discover a unique blend of sweetness and intensity.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Find out the penalties Hana faces and the extent she will go to satisfy her husband’s fetish. Will she disobey Tatsuki’s rules? You’ll have to use this app to find out!
Every decision you make is important in honing the story, as your choices may impact the way the story progresses and ends. Indecent Wife Hana has different endings, so make sure to make the best decision always!
- 2dcg
- Big Ass
- Big Tits
- Creampie
- Exhibitionism
- Handjob
- Male Protagonist
- Masturbation
- Netorare
- Oral Sex
- Romance
- Stripping
- Swinging
- Teasing
- Vaginal Sex
- Virgin
- Voyeurism
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Indecent Wife Hana?
Indecent Wife Hana is a charming yet captivating story that follows Tatsuki, and Hana, as they embark on an engrossing adventure and discover a special fusion of sweetness and intensity.
Who developed the Indecent Wife Hana?
Indecent Wife Hana was developed by Fallen Eros.
When is the next update?
Monthly or Bi-Weekly updates. Each update consists of more scenes and artwork. Varying from 2 to 3 new illustrations per month.
When was the initial release of the Indecent Wife Hana?
Indecent Wife Hana was released on 2024-02-03.
Where can I report bugs?
Bugs can be reported on the game’s Discord server. You can also post a comment on the Patreon or itch comment sections.
How can I become a patron?
Becoming a patron is easy. You can become a patron by clicking on this link to visit the Fallen Eros Patreon site:
Will you add more characters to the game?
We’re just scratching the surface of what this game can offer! As we continue to develop, keep an eye out for new characters that will bring fresh dynamics and excitement to the experience.
How do I travel quickly through the game?
On the dialogue window menu: Right-click on the ‘SKIP’ button to skip directly to the next choice.
What are the benefits of becoming a member of Patreon?
Becoming a member will help the developer develop the project much faster. You will also get access to the game’s latest content and other perks that only members can get.
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Well,nice art,I’m in.(y)
Spotted this straight away! Looks good!
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Loved the art direction, also this kind of love triangle it’s quite refreshing. My only critic is with the MC introspection, He thinks a lot, but also I get that he’s just that way.
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