
Most are, you’ve had that pornographic material on your drive for years without ever opening it. merely keeping anything sexy that you come across without any idea of what you want to do with it. I’m sure it won’t be a problem if I put some bars in front of it because you haven’t needed it yet.
You’re aware of the routine, the lovely spirals and colors, and the fact that your mind is so detached from your body that you’re not even sure it still exists. If you were conditioned while in such a situation, what do you suppose would happen?
Do you think you have sensitive ears? Not at all? Then, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if someone whispered in your ears. whispers that guide you to your true home—whispers of surrender.
I want you to know that if I instruct you to hold your breath, you should stop thinking about air.
Reward and Punishment
I’ll give you permission to enjoy yourself if you behave like a good subordinate. You’ll discover the hard way how someone like you should behave if you offend me. You won’t let me down, I’m sure of it—if you realize what’s in your best interests.
I might allow you to pay for an orgasm, wrecked or not, if you really can’t stand the rejection any longer. You ask, what will you be paying with? Your money is not important to me; what I really want is your time, which is the only thing you really own.