Pour Decisions – Drinking Game

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Pour Decisions is a drinking game for three to eight players that revolves around a spin wheel. The game’s concept is that players alternately spin a wheel to reveal a card from a list of predetermined categories; if they correctly identify the card, they score points! They have to spin the forfeit wheel if they are unable to!

- The order you input players is the order of play
- Everyone needs something to drink
- Cards are worth 2 points, Group cards are worth 1. If you forfeit a card you get 1 point, unless its a group card then you get 0
- First to X points wins
- Regardless of how many people reach the winning point value, the first one to get it will be declared the winner
Available for Windows. (MacOS and Linux coming later).
Support for 3-8 Players.
Default Cards
Has 56 default cards across 7 categories and 15 default forfeits!
Custom Cards
Supports the ability to import your custom cards and forfeits (coming soon.
The amount of points needed to win is customizable within the settings page.
- The game is for 3 – 8 people
- Player names are inputted on the player setup screen, you can click a name to remove them
- Spin the wheel to get a card, if you do the card, you click pass and are awarded points. If you don’t, you click forfeit and spin for a forfeit card
- If a card requires something to be done within a time limit, you will need to use a stopwatch to keep time. – If you fail to complete it within the time, it’s an automatic forfeit
- Adult
- Drinking-game
- Multiplayer
- Pour-decisions-drinking-game
- Turn-based
- Pour-decisions

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Pour Decisions – Drinking Game?
Pour Decisions – Drinking Game is an adult card game.