Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures
Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures is a thrilling and captivating game that takes you into the life of a young farmer’s son, who dares to venture into the bustling city in pursuit of higher education. Join him as he immerses himself in a new world, residing with a caring family friend and her two lovely daughters. Although his story revolves around school, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the intriguing scenes and events that unfold beyond the classroom.
The oldest child of a country family decided to change his way of life and pursue further education in the city. Follow the adventures of this little child who lives with his family friend’s two daughters. There will be a lot of scenes and occurrences outside of school, even if it is the main focus of the plot.
HOW TO PLAY (Keyboard)
Use Enter to advance dialogue and activate the interface.
Press Space to advance the dialogue without selecting choices
Hit the Arrow keys to navigate the interface.
Press Escape accessing the game menu.
Use CTRL to skip the dialogue while held down.
Select Tab to toggle dialogue skipping.
Press the Page up to roll back to the earlier dialogue.
Press the Down page to later dialogue
Press H to hide the user interface.
Use S to take a screenshot.
Use V to toggle assistive self-voicing.
Press Shift+A to open the accessibility menu.
Left click– Advances dialogue and activates the interface.
Middle click– Hides the user interface.
Right-click– Accesses the game menu.
Mouse Wheel up click rollback side– Rolls back to earlier dialogue.
Mouse Wheel down– Rolls Forward to later dialogue.
Engaging Storyline
Experience the thrilling travels of a country boy as he seeks higher education and makes his way through a new city.
Unique Characters
Discover the fascinating and varied cast of people that give the story depth and intrigue, such as the bumpkin lad, his family friend, and her two daughters.
Varied Settings
The game is made more interesting and surprising by combining exciting situations from outside the educational setting with school-related happenings.
Interactive Gameplay
Entertain yourself to the game’s interactive elements, which let you make decisions and shape the plot, resulting in a genuinely customized experience
Beautiful Graphics
Take pleasure in breathtaking graphics that breathe life into the characters and settings, improving the gaming experience and grabbing your attention.
- 3dcg
- Animated
- Big Tits
- Humor
- Incest
- Male Protagonist
- Masturbation
- Mind Control
- Mobile Game
- Oral Sex
- Sandbox
- School
- Setting
- Vaginal Sex
A team of 2 young and aspiring content creators working on a video game. We hope this is just the start of our work in this field, as we plan to add a lot more content to our current in-development game as well as create a 2nd (or more) game, for which we already have ideas. • Please consider supporting us if you enjoyed Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures as it would mean a lot to us both financially and allow us to to dedicate more time to our game(s). Every little bit of support goes a long way. • Feedback is always welcomed as we strive to improve our work.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures?
Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures is an Adult visual novel game.
Who developed the Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures?
Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures was developed by Frozen Sugar Cubes.
When is the next update?
The timing of the next update is not specified, but Frozen Sugar Cubes will keep players informed about it through its social media accounts.
When was the initial release of the Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures?
Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures was released on 2023-10-24.
Where can I report bugs?
Bugs can be reported on the game’s Discord server. You can also post a comment on the Patreon or itch comment sections.
How can I become a patron?
Becoming a patron is easy. You can become a patron by clicking on this link to visit the Frozen Sugar Cubes Patreon site: https://www.patreon.com/frozensugarcubes?fan_landing=true
Will you add more characters to the game?
Given that the game is still in its early development stage, there is the potential to introduce more characters to enhance and expand the gaming experience. Stay tuned for updates and the possible inclusion of new characters as the development progresses.
What cheat code for money?
The cheat code is bizarre69town.
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WOW woww thiss amazing
Nice, thanks for the update. I’m looking forward to play it. 🙂
This game is definitely one of my favorites
Is there NTR in game?
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