The Lusty Royal Court

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Some things are unavoidable. Something major will happen when the Holy Maiden, Asha, calls the royal court members together to accuse Lady Chandra of serious transgressions. She says the prince’s engagement is in jeopardy.
However, when one does not have all the information, accusing someone is not so easy.
Watch as Kiran, the nilgai crown prince, Ife, the speckled pigeon son of the head judge, Dipak, the monitor lizard one-day would-be general-in-training, Rishi, the yellow-throated marten with a penchant for magic, and Chandra, the mugger crocodile betrothed to the prince, bring the bratty holy maiden to her knees. and, naturally, all of their fathers.
The Lusty Royal Court; The Holy Maiden’s Undoing features the following kinks in roughly that order (e.g. the sex scenes will have some form of that kink for each given sex scene, one per scene):
Fighting as foreplay
Glory Hole
Portal Play
It’s all gay sex.
- Adult
- Erotic
- Furry
- Gay
- Kinetic Novel
- Text-based
I’m a writer and dabbler of a programmer/composer.
I’m here to bring you often queer-influenced story-based games and other stupid shit as I feel like it.
Feel free to play and let me know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Lusty Royal Court?
The Lusty Royal Court is an interactive fiction game with an adult theme.
Who developed The Lusty Royal Court?
The Lusty Royal Court was developed by Ragmaan.